The Badguys
        Seymore Big Cheese - Seymore Big Cheese, or more simply known as the Big Cheese, is the Samurai
        Pizza Cats' main villain.  Somewhere in the translation, the people at Saban turned the Big Cheese from a fox
        (which he REALLY is) and into a rat.  Eh.  No big deal if you ask me.  The only thing that does matter is that
        Seymore is a great character in the SPC series (heck, aren't they all?).  He's not your stereotypical villain that
        has tremendous powers, kills at the drop of a hat, and laughs menacingly (well maybe that last part he does
        do).  Seymore is a cunning foe that often attempts to use covert manipulation to get what he wants.  But for
        some reason, he has to get a giant robot of some sorts to wreak havoc all over Little Tokyo!  Why!?  His plans
        would succede if he didn't manifest them into the public!  But it wouldn't be much of a show then would it?
        Seymore is also funny in the fact that he's not all that bad.  He's just a megalomanic (a guy who's obssesed
        with gaining power) with a quirky attitude.  I mean, he does take care of a young child in "Son of Big Cheese"
        and even admits that he misses the little tike at the end.  If you've watched the show even once, then you know
        Seymore explodes at the end due to his temper tantrums.  In an explosive blast of electricity and flames, he
        often sends Jerry flying into the walls or scorching him into dust, all for our visual enjoyment!  And finally, the
        part you've all been waiting for...the cross dressing thing.  Yeah I know, it's wierd, and many people have
        attempted to contemplate why.  Some say he's gay.  But cross dressing doesn't mean you're gay.  Very
        strange?  Yes...but necessarily gay.  My philosiphy is to just leave the issue alone.  I mean it's funny, we get a
        few good laughs out of it, and makes SPC all the more fun to watch.

        Jerry Attric - Jerry Attric (which is a pun that means old person) is Seymore Cheese's...ummm...companion?
        I guess that's the closet word I can put in without offending some people.  Jerry met Seymore fifteen years ago
        when Seymore inadvertently stumbled across the Ninja Crow's village and healed sick Jerry with a magical kiss
        (from his reaction, I don't think Jerry liked it too much).  Jerry is an oddity as well.  He's not completely
        evil...none of the villains in this series are...and has a disposition that can never be forgotten.  First off, Jerry is
        somewhat intolerant of the Big Cheese and his crazy schemes.  Second, Jerry is funny in his own way.  He's
        cynical about his role in the show and makes fun of Seymore every chance he gets.  Despite all of this, he
        stays with Seymore to the very end!  When you include the fact that Jerry is the victim of Seymore's temper
        tantrums (grin), it's a wonder why Jerry Attric stayed with the Big Cheese for that long (he must have REALLY
        good medical coverage).  Did I also mention that he's bald?

        Bad Bird - Bad Bird, Bad Bird, Bad Bird.  That's his name.  This villain of the Pizza Cats is Seymore Big
        Cheese's right hand man..err bird.  He's the one doing most of the physical work for Seymore, whether it be
        building a giant robot to squash the Pizza Cats, or going undercover to lure innocent victims into his trap, Bad
        Bird is a villain's villain.  However there is one conflicting aspect to Bad Bird's personality.  On one hand, he
        wants to live up to his father's legacy as the greatest Ninja of all time.  On the other hand, he has a childhood
        sweetheart named Carla.  In fact in one episode, "Pizza Bird Delivers", Bad Bird begins to understand what it
        meant being a good person and actually liked it (much to the Pizza Cats' dismay...well except for Francine).
        His conflicting feelings eventually lead to his transformation from a villain to a good guy and helps Speedy save
        Little Tokyo in the "Big Comet Caper (Part 2)".

        The Rude Noise - A band of punk-rock instrumentalists, they were first hired in the episode "The Pizza Are
        Only Human".  The equivalent of what the Rescue Team would be to the Pizza Cats, the Rude Noise provide
        the bad guys a powerful force of evil doers.  The Rude Noise can get together and form the powerful NinjaCrow
        Bot, a blackbird made out of smoke, and can also fire the "Ultra-Deadly Disaster Blaster".  But despite all of
        these cool gimmicks, they are no match for the Samurai Pizza Cats!